Our Social Development Program (SDP) occurs once a week for 2 hours in a small group format. The program is implemented by Instructor Therapists and is overseen by a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA). The program focuses on teaching skills to initiate and successfully maintain social interactions with peers. There is a strong focus on problem solving during play (i.e. sharing, turn taking, not getting your way) as well as managing emotions during social interactions (i.e. effective use of calming strategies when needed). Clients are grouped according to age and skill level. Parents receive a check in from the Program Coordinator halfway through the program as well as a final report.

Each stage will target different developmentally appropriate skills. Social skills will be taught using a systematic method, where the skills build on one another as relevant prerequisite skills are mastered by your child.

The program uses the three different stages in order to avoid skills being taught prior to your child’s readiness to learn them, and to ensure that no skills are skipped from stage to stage.